Dec 10, 2009

Little furry friends

(photo by Xandie)

I absolutely love the squirrels that live in our neighborhood. Where many people view them as pests, I encourage their visits and often carry on conversations with them, though they're usually one-sided. Being that these non-native Fox Squirrels are primarily fruit, seed, and insect eaters, there's no shortage of winter fare on our property (the avocados are in season now). We also happen to have the type of protective under-story they prefer for predator protection along with a few fresh water sources. December is not only one of their two mating seasons, but also the "food hoarding and retrieving season".  I find it quite entertaining to watch one of these little critters try to successfully steal an avocado, carry it across the yard, climb along the fence and then up into a tree . . .  sometimes they can do it on the first try :~)

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