Sep 18, 2018

adventures after 65

So trying a new blog "adventures after 65". Don't really know yet if I want to keep it a separate blog or consolidate here. I ike the visual layout on this page better so I guess "we'll" see...

Aug 5, 2018

Summer family road trip

Our plan for the family summer vacation is to do a loop of the southwest US: through the Mohave Desert 🌵 to the Grand Canyon, across Arizona to New Mexico for 5 days in Santa Fe taking in 3 operas, swinging down to Carlsbad Caverns with a possible detour in Roswell, and back toward California with an overnight stay in Tucson.
Day 1 * Long hot drive through the Mohave Desert ( hit 119 degrees)
Lunch stop in Oatman, AZ to see the wild burros. More about Oatman
Arrived at our base camp aka the Grand Canyon Inn and Motel

Jun 6, 2018

Travel List for sabbatical 2018-19

  • India = Jun14-28
  • US Southwest = August: Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, Carlsbad caverns, Tucson 
  • Boston & NE fall colors
  • Germany = Sarrbrucken in spring 2019
  • So America= next total solar eclipse
  • Alaska or Canada inland passage cruise

Jun 3, 2018

a long, strange, trip

conducting "Finale" at my final concert

The end has come... Can't say exactly how many years I've been teaching, but I do remember giving guitar lessons in my parents’ garage during high school. That might put it at 50 years! My next foray into teaching was while a TA for Maestro Cesare Pascarella at Cal Arts (he assigned me as a coach for youth orchestra chamber music ensembles). Then came cello teaching along the way, in addition to making a living teaching general/instrumental music while earning my state teaching credential (yes, I believed in putting the cart before the horse). And so my teaching career began in earnest... a full time position in Palmdale, CA of all places up until my husband and I  adopted a beautiful daughter to look after. We moved to Claremont CA. and after a one-year hiatus, I started a part-time teaching schedule for the past 20 years. From rock to Bach and now ??? Retirement will tell so stay tuned.

May 18, 2018

One month until India!

This time next month my sister and I will be meeting up with Xandie in India for a two week tour. Preparations have been mostly made ( packing last big concern) and I’ve been religiously watching the temperatures steadily rise in the cities we’ll be visiting. Hoping they top out by mid-late June while we’re there! In the meanwhile I’m practicing wearing my India outfits on hot days here and plan to add to my wardrobe once we arrive.

May 5, 2018

Cellofest 2018 !

A total of eleven cellists from my studio participating this year at the Claremont Community School of Music recital hall on May 5th. Pre-Twinkle through Vol. 4 pieces were performed to an enthusiastic audience of family members and friends. "Bravi Celli!"

Nov 24, 2017

Final year

As I complete each goal and milestone of the school year I think to myself, “ last time I’ll be doing that!”. So far it’s a comforting thought and not one of remorse or sadness. I suppose once retirement hits I may feel differently.
With my closing chapters new ones are waiting to be started; the very real possibility of visiting Xandie in India (internship) next summer and Geoff’s last sabbatical starting next fall. The possibilities are endless and exciting.

May 20, 2017

back in the "saddle" again

 Worked on a pony watercolor painting over the past few weeks. Learning to build layers and depth and to be bolder with contrast. Masking worked well for the wall but not so much for the pony. Eventually worked over most of the masking on the horse.

pony 2: laid in some shadows to wall and pony

pony 3: more concentrated color for contrast

pony 4: final layer

Mar 5, 2017

Spring is near

Looking forward to longer days and spring vacation! Been busy with concerts, but soon will slow down to allow for a more enjoyable pace. The garden beckons... have seeds to plant and basil in a pot to put in the ground. Geoff takes off soon for his break with Xandie in Cyprus. My spring break follows a few weeks later; my sister Carolyn & I will venture to Austria for a week plus. Renewal and rebirth!

Jan 14, 2017


January brings new goals, plans, and adventures. After a welcome winter break, classes and lessons have resumed. Just sent Xandie off to Salzburg via Munich for her spring semester and G. C. and I will be planning subsequent trips in the spring. In the meanwhile spring concerts lie ahead for CUSD, PSE and CCSM.

Dec 12, 2016

end of year 2016

Hard to believe the "end is near"!
Looking back, I'm happy with the body of artwork I was able to complete and looking forward to more explorations in the future. The last painting of the year will be 'The Old Barn at French Farm, NZ", which I hope to complete and post soon.

Oct 22, 2016

Beach memories

Coastal California Cliffs
acrylic (12"x15-1/2")
Just finished a painting of some summertime beach memories... used a stretched canvas underpainted in orange to give the cliffs a bit of a glow. A fun departure from my usual more realistic style. Trying to loosen up!

Aug 23, 2016

art retreat in Cayucos

In mid-August 4 old-time friends and I planned a womens' art retreat up on the Central Coast of California. (Unfortunately one dear friend had to cancel at the last moment due to a death in the family.) We rented a funky beach house in Cayucos just 2 blocks from the ocean. We came from Redwood Valley, Santa Cruz, Santa Clarita & Claremont; it was a great mid-point location for all of us to meet.

beach house ~ watercolor
After arriving we piled all our communal art supplies on the pool table and prepared for the next four glorious, uninterrupted days to come. We induldged in sketching, acrylics, plein air, watercolor, jewelry making, and montage. 

Some examples of my work while there:

driftwood design journal cover ~  acrylic
the artista at work ~ photo by Linda W.

Cayucos starfish ~ pen & ink
brush painting ~ Chinese ink
8/19/16 journal entry ~ watercolor
still life ~ watercolor on handmade paper
My friends and their work:

Aug 9, 2016

little books

Assorted journals and cello practice books.

Making little books with new punch/binding tool. Started with two 5-1/2 x 8-1/2" sketchbooks using painted canvas board for covers and one 5x7" sketchbook using canvas boards for front & back. Proved to be too thick for punching and realisticly the back would wear away in places.

Ordered 8-1/2 x 11" chipboard for front & back stock and that works best. Can be collaged, painted, or left bare. As far as binding the 1/2", 3/4", and 5/8" coils seem best so far. 3/8" binding too small and the 1" is too big for this purpose.
4-1/4 x 5-1/2"

The cool thing about making your own journal/sketchbook is you can use a variety of papers, including old stashes one might have lying around. So far I've used rice , music, staff, graph, lined, drawing, mixed media, watercolor, toned, &  cartridge papers.