Nov 29, 2009


Well, now that Thanksgiving has ended, December is creeping right up on us. We managed to get the "twinkie" lights up on the house last evening and our block of 9 families is starting to look very festive. I also noticed a dusting of snow on the highest of the San Gabriel mountains today; a sure sign that winter is on its way.

I look forward most to our family traditions and time spent with one another during the holidays but we're not sure where we'll be at this point, which is a little unsettling. Geoff's mom (Xandie's "Grandma Cherie") is now 87 and it would be nice to get up north to see her over Christmastime or just afterward. So the big question as of now is whether to go get a real tree, which we buy at the local Xmas tree farm every year, or to put up the fake one in case we'll be away... not really a compromise that any of us want to make.

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