Nov 20, 2009

Fall (shorter to write than autumn)

Mostly thought I'd keep track of my gardening attempts, music making (at school and out in the community), and generally other mundane stuff that perhaps a few people might be interested in.

Last fall my front garden went to native and other drought tolerant plants. Now I want to try and make the back garden a more efficiently watered zone. We still have a large lawn because an 11 year old lives here and we use it for croquet, badminton and the occasional baseball game. There was a funny shaped area that I thought could be reclaimed for a better use and so I began to consider a raised bed. Now that summer is gone, I wondered what I could still grow with some success and discovered there are tons of veggies that will grow into and though our so. cal. winters!

In went the box frame, about 14 cu. ft. of planting mix and various salad ingredient seedlings interspersed with seeds. A few kale plants were added for good luck and my own curiosity. I'll report on weekly progress but in the meanwhile it's been a very fulfilling project; one day no veggies and the next a promising salad garden!

1 comment:

  1. Apparently, not as many veggies love our summer heat as do our mild winters. I am thinking of planting my winter crop to see what grows, and you are my inspiration!
