Dec 7, 2009

"Tis the season

Yesterday we ventured out to Costco to stock-up the pantry before the "holidays" and pick up a few Xmas gifts. The madness has certainly begun!   We thought we'd go late Sunday a.m. when most people are still at church but I think everyone else had the same idea as we did.  The place was packed and, buyers beware, the shoppers are out in full force.   The tremendous size of these big-box stores really brings home the commercialism of it all; who needs all this stuff anyway?  Every year there are new, improved versions of Xmas lights, the latest fully decorated artificial plug-in trees, animated lighted-animals of too many sorts, and those inflatables just keep getting bigger and more ridiculous.  Driving home as it approached dark, Geoff and I commented that someone should start up a "Worst Decorated Homes" tour as we drove by some of the most garish displays I've seen in a long while, laughing all the way.  All I can say is, to each their own; 'Tis the season afterall :~)

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