Dec 17, 2009

The end is near! (of the 2009 school year)

Only 1-1/2 days to go; that is 2 string classes and 1 cello lesson to teach before my holiday begins. And so the "gift rush" is on! Teacher cards and gifts have been distributed; there are a lot more teachers to remember now that our kid is in junior high school. It also seems that neither Geoff nor I have had any time to start our Xmas lists, but Xandie has 3 pages worth (complete with detailed descriptions and model numbers) so I can do lots of shopping for her at least! Then there are things that have to be mailed... if I can go shopping and get those out by Monday there's a slim chance they'd arrive at their destinations by the 25th. Concert dates are over for me,  but now there are the parties, visiting old (as in long time, not elderly) friends, and other people's concerts to attend. An annual favorite of ours is a Rennaisance/Old English-mix madrigal concert in Altadena (see below).

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