* * *
Dec 26, 2009
Boxing Day
It's not about shopping or two guys hitting each other in a sports arena. In Britain or "related" countries it's the day after Christmas when families and friends go about visiting one another. Originally people of means would give their servants the day off (since they were needed to work on Christmas) along with a box of food and goods to take home for their families. Churches would also set out special collection boxes for the poor. For us, we invite close friends and family over for an informal feast and exchange Xmas gifts a day late; or two in this year's case. When our get-together falls the day after Boxing Day, we've dubbed it Bagging Day.
Dec 24, 2009
'Twas the day before Christmas...
Heidi the "Xmas Mule-deer"
Wishing a happy holiday season to all, and to all a good night!
(Looks like we'll be enjoying a sunny California Christmas and a cold Montana New Year.)
Dec 23, 2009
An open fire and gluhwein
Tonight will be an open fire and gluhwein night, I can tell. The shopping's mostly done, Geoff's finals are mostly graded and Xandie's mostly cleaned up the living room. That means that after dinner we can make some gluhwein, watch a movie, and relax in front of the fire. We seriously learned about this drink when living in Germany for a year. During the typically chilly Christmas Market season, which seems to start a month before Christmas, gluhwein huts abound and everyone seems to be walking the streets with a cup in hand (adults, that is). The smell is wonderful and it certainly warms one up. Here is the way I make it at home:
Stud an orange with whole cloves (about 12)
1- 1/2 cups apple cider
2-3 cinnamon sticks
1/4 cup sugar (or to taste)
a few shakes of ground nutmeg
Add: 2 cups red wine
a few shakes of ground nutmeg
Combine the first list of ingredients into a saucepan. Stir and heat gently until sugar is dissolved (usually just until it starts to boil). Reduce heat and simmer about 5 minutes.
===========Add: 2 cups red wine
Heat gently until steaming, strain (or not) and serve in mugs. Some people like to add an orange slice and fresh cinnamon stick to each cup but it's not really neccesary. (This recipe easily doubles, triples or quadruples.)
Dec 21, 2009
That's a wrap!
As the shopping trips become more and more fruitful, I now face the monumental task of gift wrapping everything. Whoever invented gifty bags with tissue truly deserves a medal, as that solution helps a whole lot when staring at a dining room table full of gifts waiting to be wrapped.
Dec 19, 2009
Spreading good cheer
Every year our cul-de-sac of 9 homes has a little holiday tradition of exchanging small Xmas gifts which are delivered in person and sometimes accompanied by singing or wearing funny hats (or both). This year we spent all morning baking ginger snaps and decorating store-bought ginger-people to go with hot cocoa-tins from Costco. We'll "make the rounds" sometime later today and if someone isn't home they'll find a nice surprise on their doorstep when they return. It's sort of like having eight "Secret Santas", except we know who they are :~)
Dec 18, 2009
One week and counting...
(photo: by Xandie)
Off to shop, pick up X-girl and a friend just after noon (short schedule today) and then vacation begins...drumroll, please!
Dec 17, 2009
The end is near! (of the 2009 school year)
Only 1-1/2 days to go; that is 2 string classes and 1 cello lesson to teach before my holiday begins. And so the "gift rush" is on! Teacher cards and gifts have been distributed; there are a lot more teachers to remember now that our kid is in junior high school. It also seems that neither Geoff nor I have had any time to start our Xmas lists, but Xandie has 3 pages worth (complete with detailed descriptions and model numbers) so I can do lots of shopping for her at least! Then there are things that have to be mailed... if I can go shopping and get those out by Monday there's a slim chance they'd arrive at their destinations by the 25th. Concert dates are over for me, but now there are the parties, visiting old (as in long time, not elderly) friends, and other people's concerts to attend. An annual favorite of ours is a Rennaisance/Old English-mix madrigal concert in Altadena (see below).
Dec 16, 2009
Christmas shopping
Well, I've finally started my official Christmas shopping and I'm trying to keep gifts "real" this year (at least for the adults in my life). So, instead of wondering whether someone might like it, or if it suits their taste or is the right color, I can simply ask myself, "Is it good to eat/drink, would I use it, or enjoy looking /listening to it?" So far, so good and only 127 more gifts to go !
Dec 14, 2009
Holiday cards (and letters)
It's time to print out the address labels, purchase way too many postage stamps, and stuff the greeting cards with Geoff's infamous "Christmas letters". When Geoff and I were first married I had no idea he was from one of those families who sent Christmas letters to their unsuspecting friends and relatives each year. (In our family this was always something other people did.) It all started the year Xandie was born... Geoff's dad had recently passed away and the writing of the annual Kuenning Xmas letter fell into his hands. Needless to say there were a few of my friends and relatives who never received these vintage versions because I was convinced that until they actually met Geoff, they just wouldn't understand his "sense" of humor. I'm afraid that now (for better or worse) all my living friends and relatives receive this tid-bit of yuletide cheer :~)
Dec 13, 2009
Ye Olde Xmas Tree Farm
(Just like in the old days)
This afternoon allowed us a very short window of time to go pick out our tree at the local Xmas tree farm. There's something about the smell of a real tree that brings back all those wonderful childhood memories of Christmas ...
Dec 11, 2009
Weekend concerts
Dress rehearsal tonight and two concerts this weekend. Concerts are always free and open for public attendance.
The Claremont Concert Orchestra
Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 8:00 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 3:00 PM
in Garrison Theater at Scripps College
231 E. 10th Street, Claremont, Ca 91711
Michael D. Lamkin (Scripps/Joint Music faculty), conductor
Hao Huang (Scripps/CGU faculty), piano
Wagner, Overture from Tannhäuser
Brahms, Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat Major, Op. 83
Haydn, Symphony No. 100 in G Major, "Military"
Dec 10, 2009
Little furry friends
(photo by Xandie)
I absolutely love the squirrels that live in our neighborhood. Where many people view them as pests, I encourage their visits and often carry on conversations with them, though they're usually one-sided. Being that these non-native Fox Squirrels are primarily fruit, seed, and insect eaters, there's no shortage of winter fare on our property (the avocados are in season now). We also happen to have the type of protective under-story they prefer for predator protection along with a few fresh water sources. December is not only one of their two mating seasons, but also the "food hoarding and retrieving season". I find it quite entertaining to watch one of these little critters try to successfully steal an avocado, carry it across the yard, climb along the fence and then up into a tree . . . sometimes they can do it on the first try :~)
Dec 9, 2009
Still frosty...
Basil is a tender herb; that means the frost got it last night and I won't be growing anymore of that particular plant until next spring, or if/when I decide to buy/build a greenhouse. (Not likely, though if I had an old Craftsman house I 'd probably go for one of those small Victorian reincarnations that I always see in the back of Sunset mag.)
Another little problem at my house is trying to get a certain 11-year-old to wear something more substantial than a sweatshirt in the winter. While I'm decked out in scarves, gloves and warm winter wear, my X-girl is more than happy to leave the house in her idea of layering; t-shirt and sweatshirt, jeans and boots. (Hurray for the rediscovery of the boots that were too big last spring and fit just right now!) My only possible explanation is adolescent metabolism at work.
Lastly, I'd forgotten all about frosty winshields and back windows in the a.m. and so we now need to add 3-5 minutes of "defrost time" to our morning drive. I especially loved the guy in front of me today whose window was completley frosted over and was having a lot of trouble staying on his side of the street... he needed to allow for those extra 3-5 minutes, too.
Another little problem at my house is trying to get a certain 11-year-old to wear something more substantial than a sweatshirt in the winter. While I'm decked out in scarves, gloves and warm winter wear, my X-girl is more than happy to leave the house in her idea of layering; t-shirt and sweatshirt, jeans and boots. (Hurray for the rediscovery of the boots that were too big last spring and fit just right now!) My only possible explanation is adolescent metabolism at work.
Lastly, I'd forgotten all about frosty winshields and back windows in the a.m. and so we now need to add 3-5 minutes of "defrost time" to our morning drive. I especially loved the guy in front of me today whose window was completley frosted over and was having a lot of trouble staying on his side of the street... he needed to allow for those extra 3-5 minutes, too.
Dec 8, 2009
It's the first cold snap of the season. Last night was certainly very chilly coming out of orchestra rehearsal and at 6:30 this a.m. it was even colder (there was frost on all the roofs and lawns). My car thermo read 36 F. on the way to drop Xandie off at school and the mountains were absolutely gorgeous. Now I know this is nothing compared to the Northern and Eastern regions of the U.S. but we're weather-wimps in So. Cal and this is C- O -L- D for us!
Dec 7, 2009
"Tis the season
Yesterday we ventured out to Costco to stock-up the pantry before the "holidays" and pick up a few Xmas gifts. The madness has certainly begun! We thought we'd go late Sunday a.m. when most people are still at church but I think everyone else had the same idea as we did. The place was packed and, buyers beware, the shoppers are out in full force. The tremendous size of these big-box stores really brings home the commercialism of it all; who needs all this stuff anyway? Every year there are new, improved versions of Xmas lights, the latest fully decorated artificial plug-in trees, animated lighted-animals of too many sorts, and those inflatables just keep getting bigger and more ridiculous. Driving home as it approached dark, Geoff and I commented that someone should start up a "Worst Decorated Homes" tour as we drove by some of the most garish displays I've seen in a long while, laughing all the way. All I can say is, to each their own; 'Tis the season afterall :~)
Dec 5, 2009
Deck the halls
It's time to deck the house and halls! I've been waiting for the weekend to arrive to get out all the boxes from the garage and begin this annual ritual. Some things always go in the same spot, while I try to do things differently with others. As the years go by, more and more memories are attatched to each of these objects and so the decorating goes a little more slowly. I sometimes consider how nice it would be to go "all natural" with real evergreen garlands and boughs of holly. There's always next year. . .
Dec 4, 2009
Attending concerts
The other side of the winter concert season is being able to attend lots of great concerts, and in Claremont most are free or charge a very reasonable admission. Today I'm meeting a fellow string teacher and good friend for a noon concert to hear the Brahms Qt. in c mi. (one of my very favorite composers), featuring the faculty string quartet pictured above. This evening our family is planning to go to a holiday concert performed by the college concert choirs (with pipe organ and harp accompaniment) at one of the local churches in the village. I'm especially looking forward to the "Ceremony of Carols" by Benjamin Britten.
Dec 3, 2009
The great "avocados for recipes" exchange
So, the recipes and ideas are starting to come in! Every year I give away bags of avocados to friends, neighbors and starving students. This year I decided to ask for a favorite recipe or idea in exchange. I'm becoming inspired by the promise of avo-chutney, avo-samosas, cream cheese guacamole, and BATs (turkey bacon, avo and tomato sandwich). And for lunch I had a reheated slice of pizza with sliced avo on top. . . why hadn't I ever thought of that before?

(from) http://www.avocado.org/
Bay Shrimp and Tomato-Stuffed Avocado with Basil Aioli
- 1 cup bay shrimp
- 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
- 1 dash pepper, or more to taste
- 1 medium tomato, diced
- 1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
- 1 dash salt
- 2 Tbsp. mayonnaise
- 2 fresh basil leaves, minced, plus additional whole leaves for garnish
- 1 dash garlic salt
- 2 ripe, Fresh California Avocados, halved and seeded
- Combine shrimp, lemon juice and pepper; set aside.
- Toss tomato with olive oil and salt; set aside.
- To make the aioli, combine mayonnaise, basil and garlic salt; set aside.
- Place avocado halves on individual serving plates or bowls. Fill each avocado cavity with a spoonful of the aioli.
- Spoon the tomato mixture over the aioli in each avocado half.
- Top each avocado with the seasoned shrimp.
- Garnish with remaining whole basil leaves and serve.
Dec 2, 2009
A good grey day to plant (or transplant)
I always like to work in the garden on grey days; it must be the "English-country-gardener wanna-be" in me even though I have finally admitted to myself that I live in a desert. Most everything planted in our front garden one year ago has survived (though some selections needed to be transplanted to better locations). The one year mark is a big one for native plant growers and ensures some degree of success.
Here's a list of plants that did well:
Dec 1, 2009
* Winter Concerts *
(scenes from concerts past)
'Tis the season...for winter concerts! They always start before the actual winter solstice and they keep right on going through February (at least for elementary music teachers who also like to perform themselves). This year the holiday concert season debuts with my own sweet musician- in-training, who much to her mother's chagrin announced a few years back that she "would like to play the bass now". Never mind that it's the largest and most expensive option for a string player; what string teacher in her right mind would say no to the prospect of a double bass player in her orchestra? So this week begins rehearsals and concerts for the junior high orchestra, followed next week by rehearsals and concerts for a neighborly string trio and then the Claremont Concert Orchestra that I play in, followed by an opera at the L.A. Music Center that the whole family will attend.
And that's just the beginning...

'Tis the season...for winter concerts! They always start before the actual winter solstice and they keep right on going through February (at least for elementary music teachers who also like to perform themselves). This year the holiday concert season debuts with my own sweet musician- in-training, who much to her mother's chagrin announced a few years back that she "would like to play the bass now". Never mind that it's the largest and most expensive option for a string player; what string teacher in her right mind would say no to the prospect of a double bass player in her orchestra? So this week begins rehearsals and concerts for the junior high orchestra, followed next week by rehearsals and concerts for a neighborly string trio and then the Claremont Concert Orchestra that I play in, followed by an opera at the L.A. Music Center that the whole family will attend.
And that's just the beginning...
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