Jan 31, 2012

early to rise....

A new semester brings a new high school schedule for Xandie and so I am now rising 45 minutes earlier on school days. As I have learned over the years,  I am not a "morning person" and so this is not an easy transition for me.  After all the initial grumbling, I've decided to look for the silver lining in the cloud:
  • I get to watch the sunrise
  • I can now make a U-turn in the time restricted intersection by the high school
  • There is no line in the student drop-off zone
  • I have an extra hour (+/-) of quiet time in the a.m.
  • There are more birds visiting the feeder at this hour ("early bird catches the worm")

    So, if I continue to search, I'm sure I'll find a few more "positives" in this getting up earlier routine.  Like time for another cup of coffee?

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