Apr 19, 2010

Home stretch

I'm approaching the "home stretch" in more ways than one. The first is only 4 weeks of teaching the after school string program and the final spring concert (ready or not, but I think we will be). Then of course there's the aftermath of parties, instrument intake, follow-up staff meetings and finishing up with the jr. high strings coaching assignment.

The second, and more labor intensive, is sabbatical prep; now only 3 months away! We have hung the ceiling to floor lists in the hallway marked 3, 2, 1 month(s) and the final 2 week list (everyone democratically adds to the respective list when we think of something we need to do). Other than that I must be in partial-denial because I haven't done much more than write stuff down. Now is the time for action and I'd better get started....there's that pool demolition guy I've been meaning to call about the old spa.

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