Mar 10, 2010

Spring cleaning?

Looking ahead to daylight savings and the official start of Spring! 

Boy, do I have spring cleaning and clearing-out projects on my mental "to do" list; especially with a sabbatical around the corner. My personal favorite is permission to rent a dumpster. It's the only time (once every 6-7 years) I can get my family to throw anything away. Then there is the spring yard sale when the neighbors always seem to be inspired by my "urge to purge" myself of extra junk and so it becomes a block sale.  Xandie usually decides to sell 1 or 2 of her books and a few toys to generate some personal income and Geoff usually says "whatever" allowing me to rid ourselves of a reseasonable amount of stuff without too much resistance (I live with two major pack-rats). The beauty of it all is that because we're packing everything up for a year there's no incentive to go out and buy any new stuff until we return!

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