Feb 12, 2010

2 out of 3 (birdwatching for Cornell)

Mornings are certainly a more active time for bird-watching. I didn't see/hear many more species but I did see greater numbers! Our most prolific visitors from the Cornell lab "urban bird list" are: house finch, house sparrow, mourning dove, and American crow. There was also a western scrub jay sighting during the 10-minute observation window but they are not on the list. The local botanic garden is hosting a birdwatch on Valentine's Day. Maybe I'll get in on that bird count too.

Migrate to the Garden
Sunday, February 14
10 am - 3pm

  • Count our bird citizens - participate in a nationwide bird count
  • Bird I.D. - Hoot's Who?
  • Games, Crafts & Activities
Get on the wire (909) 625-8767, ext 224
Admission fees apply:
$8 - adults
$6 - seniors/students
$4 - fledglings aged 3-12
Free - RSABG Members

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