Jan 2, 2010

Up in big sky country and home again

Just flew in from the great northern plains after we spent 5 days in Great Falls to visit Geoff's mom and take care of much business in order to put her house up for sale. It was cold (down to 10 F.) and dry (no snow falling from the sky to speak of) but the couple inches of snow on the ground looked pretty to Xandie and me as long as we stayed inside. During the day we were busy filling a dumpster with trash and old food, surface cleaning the floors, furniture and kitchen so that the realtor and estate sale lady could help us plan the eventual sale. At night there is not much to do; we ate at all 3 of Geoff's favorite restaurants, listened to public radio (the T.V.'s aren't connected), watched DVD's on G.'s laptop, read books by the gas fire, and played cards. Oh, we did have our version of a New Year's Eve celebration with hats, hooters and a bottle of champagne...  We made it home this morning after rising shortly after 4 a.m. (ouch!) and arriving back to sunny So. Calif. by 10:30 a.m.
It's sure good to be home!

Wishing all a Happy New Year

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