May 18, 2018

One month until India!

This time next month my sister and I will be meeting up with Xandie in India for a two week tour. Preparations have been mostly made ( packing last big concern) and I’ve been religiously watching the temperatures steadily rise in the cities we’ll be visiting. Hoping they top out by mid-late June while we’re there! In the meanwhile I’m practicing wearing my India outfits on hot days here and plan to add to my wardrobe once we arrive.

May 5, 2018

Cellofest 2018 !

A total of eleven cellists from my studio participating this year at the Claremont Community School of Music recital hall on May 5th. Pre-Twinkle through Vol. 4 pieces were performed to an enthusiastic audience of family members and friends. "Bravi Celli!"