Apr 16, 2016

Weekend time

I'd say I was influenced by the color orange this weekend!
Must be the brightness and warmth of the sun.

inside cover for my new sketch book (9x12") of
Claremont sketches and paintings

Apr 6, 2016

CA natives

I wanted to paint a sampler of CA wildflowers in bloom now and decided on 4x6" image size in case I wanted to print them as postcards or put in photo frames. Each subject was treated differently, but using the same palette of colors: loose wet-on-wet/ iris, washes/ manzanita, neagtive space/ lupine, O'Keefe close/ poppy.

Next, I'm trying to decide if I want to add thin borders and botanical names...

Douglas Iris, Manzanita, Lupine, CA Poppy

Finished hand-painted CA native plant series:

 2 postcards, a photoframe card and a mounted card sprayed with fixitive for protection.

Apr 1, 2016

Music & art

 I found myself completing some long standing projects at the end of March... A triptych and cello front for the Claremont Community Music School auction, a painted VSO (violin shaped object) for the Claremont USD District Office, and a watercolor entry for the annual Celebration of the Arts Show in La Verne.

"Arioso" cello front
"Harmony" back
"Harmony" front

"Watercolor Calla"