Oct 21, 2014

Autumn equinox

In 2014, the autumnal equinox brings the fall season to the Northern Hemisphere on: September 22 at 10:29 P.M. EDT. (7:29pm west coast time)

I look forward to the changing colors, but not the shorter days...

Ginko Leaves: P. Kuenning

I'm also looking forward to: time for gardening, hot meals once again, cooler weather, getting out my warm & snuggly sweaters and holiday gatherings.

"In spring when maple buds are red,
We turn the clock an hour ahead;

When autumn birds in flocks
Fly southward, back we turn the clocks,
And so regain a lovely thing,
That missing hour we lost in spring." ~ Phyllis McGinley

Aug 3, 2014


If nothing else, I thought I would post quarterly for my own benefit. It's been a busy summer for some of us and relaxing for others in the Kuenning household.

Washingtom Monument~2014

Schwabish Hall
Pat's tomatoes
Daughter was off for 2 weeks to study journalism/communications at American U. Had a quick roundezvous with cousins Tom & Shelley who were kind enough to meet her at Dulles Airport and transport her to DC after an overnight visit.

In the meanwhile, husband Geoff was socked in with summer research at Harvey Mudd but did get away for a quick conference in Utah at Snowbird which, in the summer, has none (snow).

Daughter returns home for a week and then is off to the Goethe Institute for 3 weeks of German language and culture study in the picturesque Medieval German town of Schwabish Hall.

My summer has been a mixture of teaching cello, catch-up appointments, gardening, and home projects.
It has been somewhat of a preview of next summer when Xandie goes off the college of her choice and we truly become empty nesters.

Apr 6, 2014


A one week break before the end-of-year onslaught of activities! Looking forward to slowing down my teaching activities but will be "on the go" with the visiting German exchange high school students.

 The patio project is now complete (after the sad demise of the largest acvocado tree) and we'll be able enjoy the redesigned space as the good weather approaches. A small potager garden is also in and I hope to keep salad vegies and herbs coming through the growing season ;-)