Nov 8, 2013


I saw this photo today and it made me stop and reflect on the power of music on many, many levels.

"Diego Frazão Torquato, 12 year old Brazilian playing the violin at his teacher’s funeral. The teacher had helped him escape poverty and violence through music."

Oct 18, 2013

Seasonally yours

It sounds so much more poetic than... fall.

And where has the time gone since I visited my blog? Too busy with family (pre-college trip in the summer) and work (pre-program prep in late summer/early Sept.) to be able to slow down and reflect on day-to-day living.

The hectic rhythms of the school year have begun and I've just finished week two of string classes, have all my private students scheduled again, and I'm about to play the first symphony concert of the season this coming weekend.

With many of our peers looking toward or experiencing retirement, the desire to slow down a bit hits me every so often. But once I readjust to the "busyness factor"of teaching and playing, life seems manageable once again.

Apr 14, 2013


Wow, spring break is at an end and I'm so looking forward to summer at this point in the school year! 

The next 2 months will see me accompanying 35 children to the annual LA Phil field trip at Disney Hall, collecting/counting PlayAThon donations from a district-wide music fundraiser, preparing for the Spring concerts in May and finally, progress reports, music participation certificates and year end school instruments inventory.

Then there are my private cello students to tend to, a few more Claremont Symphony concerts, and a possible joint string teachers recital to go. I must remember that I'm thankful to "just be teaching strings"!

music mug and roses from thankful students